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The 2005 Player of the year Todd Gagnon tells all about his great season. From his secerts that made him 2005 POY to his goals for next year. Check it out

Todd Gagnon
What were some of your golfing goals for 2005?
1st goal was to play more often. 2nd goal was to play more consistently. 3rd goal was to eliminate eights on the scorecard.

What improved the most in your golf game in 2005?
Middle game…The “Devine 9” was a huge club for me anywhere from 160-185. The “Devine 9” corrected bad drives and allowed me an easier approach shot. Tee Shot was also improved around August!

Was there any special drills or practice that you did to improve your game in 2005?
Instant Bogey golf helped me get off the tee box with more consistency. The other thing I did was play…more rounds.

What advice would you give someone trying to become the next player of the year?
Get a lesson! A lesson can not hurt anyone. Even Tiger has a coach!

What was your best memory of the 2005 season?
Lansing Point…Match Play “Elite Eight” event It was my coming out party!

What are you golfing goals for 2006?
Hopefully play more!~ I want to eliminate anything higher than a 6 on the scorecard. I also want to chip and putt better.